Men and Boobs

13 09 2010

Weapons of mass destruction

Ok guys help me out here….. What is the fascination with men and boobs….

 This past Friday me and my guy ( 🙂 sounds nice to say)… were watching a movie called Laid To Rest….. It’s a horror movie (we are both horror fanatics) about a young woman who wakes up in a coffin and is stalked by a slasher….not very scary….but very gory…

So on Saturday afternoon we had some friends over and I over hear my guy ( 🙂 ) telling his friends about the movie….all is normal until I hear him say the heroine in the movie had the biggest boobs ever…


Did we watch the same movie…. I remembered the woman having on a large T-shirt throughout the flick….how could he tell she had big boobs….

So I teased him about his x-ray vision and wild and vivid imagination… he assured me she showed the boobs in the flick that’s how he knew….. So me being the woman and having to be right… the movie and in fast forward mode replayed it….nothing….then he rewinded it…and no exaggeration this scene must have been 30 seconds long…yes she flashed them…and they were impressive.

 Now this is not a jealous rant….because I am not lacking in this area….now that I think about it….maybe that’s what attracted him to me….nah…but I find it hilarious that we could watch the same movie… and I talk about the actual 1 hour and 25 minutes of movie I saw…and all he got out of it was a 30 second scene…

 Well I guess that’s why when we ladies want something we flash those puppies….it sends men into a stooper…they can’t think….what is it…

 Is it the bounce, the shape, the fact that they are in 3D, past mommy issues…. I just don’t get it…maybe I take them for granted…but seriously…they are just body parts, aren’t they….

It makes me wonder….are there any parts of a man that sends women into a stooper


Nope we are far too intelligent for that 😀

Any who…. All is well on the crush front

 So what’s my next move…..what would yours be,

 We will see,

Till then

 A shake of the boobs to ya Gorgeous


Appreciation, Respect and Gratitude.

10 09 2010

With any relationship Appreciation, Respect and Gratitude go a long way.  One of the most important things you can do to build a healthy relationship is to express these often.

As my relationship has very quickly been taken to levels I never imagined myself in such a short period of time, I have to smile. 

It’s a good thing.

You respect me and I truly appreciate it and I am thankful to you for it.

You respect that I am not a morning person, but I appreciate that yours is the first voice I hear when I wake up.

I respect, “it’s a MAN thing” to always want to pay for dinner, But I appreciate the fact that you respectfully allow me to keep my independence by letting me leave the tip.

I appreciate the fact that you respect me enough to understand what taking it slowly means.  Your right, we have waited this long to find each other, what’s a few more months or years as long as we are together.

I appreciate you doing the dishes, hanging out with my boys and sneaking my keys to go and put gas in my car.

You respect the fact that I don’t like flowers, and I appreciate it when you by them and put them in the waiting area because it makes it “look Nice”.

I appreciate that all though I know I sometimes take you to the brink…. You respect me enough to stop when I ask you to.  I love you for that.

I appreciate and respect you for trying to keep work at work, even when I bring it up.

I appreciate your tone.

I appreciate you standing up for me.

I appreciate the gentle way you take my hand when you feel the need to protect me.

I respect you for your values, morals and faith.

I respect you for understanding why the L word is a hard thing for me to say, Out loud 😉

I appreciate the way you take care of and do things for “our family”, even when you don’t have to.

I am grateful that I don’t have to ask, you just seem to know.

I am grateful for all the little things you do that have such a big impact on my heart and my life.

I am grateful for you being in my life, and being able to finally see you there.

I thank God for you, Everyday.

I am sure he already knows my secret…

Now I am wondering if I should tell him about this blog,  would you

We will see, till then

Thank You Gorgeous


My Secret Love Affair

17 08 2010

What did I do and what do I do now…..

 Ok…. So after the first date’s kiss….which was just a small peck….although I wanted to jump on, fully devour and digest him…. I restrained myself and it was just a simple good night kiss….just enough to get a taste and leave a strong desire for wanting more….

 And while our second, third and forth dates have been great…. And the kissing has gotten deeper and longer I am constantly asking myself what did I do…

 Our friendship has not changed… in fact I think its growing stronger…which is a good thing…

 What has changed is our work relationship…while I love keeping things on the low…and I find it very exciting…its getting harder and harder to do…. And I think people are starting to notice…

 Now when he sits in my office work is not mentioned, in company meetings we are finishing each others sentences and bringing up conversations that were not had in a business frame of mind…. We are eyeballing each other from across the room  and there’s a lot of giggling and smiling…. We walk past each other and our hands automatically reach for each others hand….then we realize where we are.

 I feel like I am in a secret love affair….and I actually like it…. I mean we are grown right…. We shouldn’t have to hide this… we are both single, willing and eager to date each other…. Right….

 We are trying our best to keep business from getting personal….but I don’t think its working….. Our lives are intertwining and interchanging…. And we can’t stop it….. But that’s a good thing…..

 It will all be out in the open soon enough…. He told me the other day…he has always had a desire to be a chef and have his own restaurant… he wanted to know if I would still like him if he was to start a new career…..

 Is he crazy….LIKE HIM?

 I told him I would stand by him in whatever he decided to do…as long as he was doing it for him and not for me, that I didn’t want him to give up his dream job or happiness and regret it later….

 He said I make him happy and he thinks he would regret it he didn’t pursue our relationship fully…

Aaaawwwww.. C’mon guys… you gotta love him….

 None the less, I think it may be too soon in our relationship to make such life changing moves…. But that could just be my trust issues kicking in….

 Speaking of too soon…he wants to take me to see a Broadway show in NY….. This would require an overnight stay possibly a whole weekend….  That’s a big step…

But we are adults….we could sleep together without sleeping together…right….

Oh how i miss the days of just crushing…

 Should I go…. Would you…. We will see…

 Till then,

 Hey Gorgeous….meet me in the coat room at noon 😉


You Are Music To My Ears

9 08 2010

You know sometimes when you just cant find the words to say, a song comes on the radio that just says it for you.

As I sit here looking in your eyes, these words from my favorite song comes to mind….

 How did you get here, nobody’s supposed to be here.

Remember those walls I built, baby there tumbling down

I know you see me watching you and I see you watching me, temptation is calling, got me wanting you so bad I could cry

 You’re the kind of guy that makes a guy that makes a girl smile, You’re the kind of guy that drives a girl wild,

 I’m saving every voice mail, reading in between the lines, All of a sudden my vision became so clear, I want you exclusive

 You have become like a bad habit, the more I consume you, the more I gotta have you….

 From the moment your lips said hi, I pictured your name with mine

 I never thought I’d fall for you as hard as I did, you got me thinking of us a house and kids, Love knocked me on my face, in this race, I’ve already won 1st place

 I’ll admit I was scared to answer loves call, but it hit and is worth the fall, Love knocks you down

 I don’t believe we were put together, not to be together.

 I never knew love like this before

How did you know, cause I never told, you found out, I’ve got a crush on you

 So baby hold me, like you don’t wanna let go… I’m feeling foxy, now that I’ve had a taste of your honey I want the whole bee hive…

Work it out


I like your smile

 When you look in my eyes, I get emotional

You turning me on

 We fell in love with just one kiss

 It’s too big, too wide, won’t fit…. He got a big…. EGO 😉

Share my world

 I think I    L-O-V-E-Y-O-U

 You’re the one for me

Hey Gorgeous,

Still playing it cool, but its getting hot in here…


Are You Listening To me?

6 08 2010

First Date


Ok so when he asked me where I wanted to go, I said the typical girl thing…. I don’t know…anywhere is fine…. 

Now mind you, me and this man have had conversations over the past 2 years or so…about everything…and I do mean everything… 

Remember we were just friends and co-workers.  It was not our intention to start a dating relationship.  So our past conversations have been about dating, sex, friendship, love, men and women….we have even talked about our bad dates and given each other advice on our genders and dating.  We have discussed in somewhat too intimate details our likes and dislikes….and now as I sit here and write this… I wonder if somehow in the back of our minds we knew this day would come and we were just preparing ourselves for it….. Anyway… 

I told him I didn’t care what we did as long as I could wear jeans….since my last birthday  I have developed a jean and boot fetish… 

So when he arrived I was happy to see that he was wearing jeans…. An although I could tell they were brand new… I must say, he looked very good in them… 

 I asked where we were going and he said it’s a surprise…. Now let me back track a little… this date had originally been set for 6:30 pm, but during the week when we talked he asked if we could change it to a late lunch type thing and do it around 4:00 instead…of course I agreed, but I couldn’t help wondering if this was because he wanted to get it over and done with….you know do it early so if it wasn’t going well he could breakout and not have his whole night ruined… 

 So as I opened the door…he is holding a bouquet…. Now in past conversations I know I mentioned hate flowers….well hate is a strong word…I very strongly dislike flowers… I know that’s weird…what woman doesn’t like flowers…this one…. I don’t even like fake ones…Now I am thankful and cordial to anyone who gives them to me…but lets just say they are starved for attention and die quickly…so when I see him standing there with a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries… you know the kind you get from those edible bouquet places… I can’t imagine how crazy I must have looked with he biggest grin ever…because he listened when I said I didn’t like flowers and that chocolate covered strawberries were my absolute favorite thing in the world….wow…. 

 So we get in the car and are not lacking in conversation….but I notice we have been driving well over an hour and a half… so of course now I am wondering if he is that ax murder again and is taking me somewhere where they will never find the body….remember guys I have trust issues…so this is hard for me…. So again I ask where we are going and he says, softly “be patient”…. the nerve. 

 So when we pull up to the parking lot of our destination… I couldn’t help but look perplexed… 

A dinner theater.  Showing GREASE no less….what the heck was he thinking….we drove over 2 hours to see Grease… 

I tried to smile like…. Oh I’ve always wanted to see group of bad and unknown actors react an old 80’s film…but he knows me all to well and before we walked in he said he could tell I was not happy, and asked if I wanted to go somewhere else…of course I said no… I mean we drove all this way…he must be a big Grease fan…. Then he said he thought I would enjoy something like this….WHY… 

He went on to say…. “ When we first met, I asked you , why would you move from a great city like NY to this small country town, and what you missed most about NY, and you told me ‘going to  Broadway shows and dinner with your girlfriends’… so this is the closest thing to Broadway I could think of without actually taking you to Broadway…which I thought might be too much for a first date” 


Can you guys see why I love this man? 

 What could I say….A man who actually listens to what I have said and took it into consideration when planning our first date…. 

The only thing I was thinking is ….somebody is going to get some tonight 🙂 

 SOOOO… the play sucked, but the food turned out to be surprisingly good, the conversation was engaging, the ride home was not long enough, …and we made plans for a second date….can’t wait to see he has planned… 

You guys want me to play it cool, I don’t know if I can.  Could You? 

 We will see.  

By the way those strawberries were perfectly sweet, but they paled in comparison to the taste of his lips.  

We just kissed people. 

 Thank You Gorgeous 


Don’t Sweat It

5 08 2010

This is just a side note…. I am getting to the date guys…..

 Call it nit-picking, being fickle or too picky…. But I am one of those women who is hard to impress and easy to turn off.  There are certain test that must be passed for a successful dating relationship.  I know everybody has pet peeves but I think mine are a bit extreme… like  I flip out if my kids just push the cereal bag down in the box instead of folding it….my towels have to be folded a certain way…toilet tissue comes from under not over…I know these are normal right?…

 Because of my peeves I have stop dating some guys and others never even made it to a second date…what are they you ask….

 Outrageous or sloppy chewing, you know the kind when either the mouth is just functioning in a non-human way or food is just flying everywhere.

 Then there is a bad kisser…now kissing, to me is the most sensual thing you could do…. If you want to get me in he mood a good kiss is all you need…I don’t want to be sucked in and digested, nor do I want to go for a swim.  I don’t want to be gagged by your tongue or taste what you had for dinner.  I don’t want my head pressed painfully against a wall.  I want to be left breathless, but not because of the pressure you are  putting on my neck.  My lips are a delicacy, treat them that way…..if you don’t know what to do, just follow my lead.

 Smokers, scruffy faces, mix matched clothes, smelly breath, smelly body, sloppy posture, dirty nails,

 Chest hair, some find it sexy…. I am not one…

 And my absolute biggest one… the one I get teased about by my sister and the one that has stopped me and men in our tracks



 I am one of those rare people who does not sweat, so you can understand why.  Now mind you…in extreme heat and I do mean extreme, or extreme cases and I do mean extreme cases of nerves I may let it slide…. But when we are in an air-conditioned restaurant having ice cream, there’s no need.  I am not talking about a drip here or there,  even though well eeewww, any way…I have stopped in the act of…you know what…because of sweat.  As I see it bead up… I lose focus, can’t think, want to run….

 So to answer your emails, I am not married, because I am extremely picky 🙂 …but  I do thank you for your concern and care for me….

 But thanks to Gorgeous, all that has changed….

 So do I tell him, Would you?

 We will see,

Good day Gorgeous,



29 07 2010

Anticipation, Anxious, Apprehensive, Anguished, Agitated, Avid, Anticipating,

 Questioning why we put this date off for a whole 7 days…. I mean why did we have to do it on a Saturday…. We are not kids in school who could not go out on a school night….….right…anyway..

 As each day passes I am anticipating this date more and more… I don’t want to get my hopes too high of it being the perfect date… I have a tendency to do that from time to time… I will build something up so much, and when it happens it’s a let down… I don’t want that to happen here so I am going to try not to think about it too much…as if…

 So…on Friday night… I could hardly sleep…. I am in my bed tossing and turning like a child waiting for Christmas morning…. I keep waking up to the clock to finding that only minutes have passed…I finally get up at 7 am which is a big thing for me… I am not a morning person… I purposely schedule myself for the late shift so I can sleep in…. But this day I cannot….

 I am filled with anxiety all day long….finding my self counting down the hours….constantly checking the mirror and looking out the window to see if he comes early…

 I feel like a school girl with a crush on a teacher… knowing this love if forbidden, but daring my heart to stop…

I am twitchily wondering about my house trying to find something to do to busy myself and pass the time…

 As it gets closer to the time I can feel a flurry of butterflies hatching out of their cocoons and into my belly..

What will we talk about… what will I eat… will I be able to eat….


 But why am I feeling this way…. I have sat and had dinner with this guy hundreds of times… he has been over to my home…we have played games…and have spent much time alone…why am I so nervous and feeling like a teenager going on a first date…..oh wait…. I am …well not a teenager of course…

 So I sit patiently…trying on several different outfits….. Restlessly  checking makeup and changing jewelry…

Anxiously tapping my fingers, flipping channels, checking the dial tone…

Wondering if this is a smart move, this date…. Taking this step, is it too late to cancel?



 So should I tell him,  or Play it cool :), what would you do?

 We will see

 Good Day Gorgeous,


First Date, 1st base or Home Run, How Far Do You Go?

12 07 2010

Ok… I may be a little out of the loop here…. How far do you go on a first date these days….

Back in my day…wow I never thought I’d ever say that….anyway…you never  kissed on the first date and definitely didn’t go any further unless you were that type of girl….

 According to my kids at the youth center…. The game has changed…. First base is no longer kissing or holding hands….but its doing other things with your mouth, the you skip straight to the home run…. What’s happening here… am I so out of touch with he dating world….

 I am a god Christian woman…. I would never think of doing any of those things with someone on a first date…. I would have to know him very well and for a while first 🙂 ….

 So how far is too far…. On a first date

 Kissing, good…                                                     licking, bad

Holding hands, good…..                                    Stroking with hands, bad

Dancing rhythmically, good…..                     Other rhythmic movements, bad

Cuddling till you fall asleep, good                 Sleeping with each other, bad

Tickling, good….                                                   Tickling bad

Touching, good….                                                Touching bad    

 Orgasmic date, good                                           Orgasm, Never bad 😉

Should I really be worried about whether I went to far or not…. I am a grown woman… I am entitled, aren’t I?  And I have known him for quite a while…

 But I do have to see him again…and I should be able to look him in the face, and take this relationship to the next level.

 So how far did I go…..   I will let you know in my next post…            

 Good Night Gorgeous


He Proposed…And Of Course I said YES

6 07 2010

Ok…ok… people pick your jaws up off the floor…. I am just kidding….although….

 I was more than impressed by him….. Let me back track a little….

I was seriously nervous about having him over…not because it would sort of be our first date…. But because after I said yes to him coming over for my family BBQ…. I realized it was my FAMILY BBQ….and everyone would be there…aunts, uncles, parents and Jeff, y’all remember him right?…

All those stereotypical families you see on TV… that’s my family…

 I have the old southern aunts that all they sit around and talk about all day everyday, is having a man…needing a man and wanting a man…

I have the uncle who always has to control the grill only to burn most of the food and undercook the rest….

 Then there is my father… well lets just say… I am his daughter and have never been married…and because  am very secretive…he has only met one of my boyfriends, my sons father…so the thought of me being with someone would send him over the top.

Now let me tell you about this wonderful man…. My BBQ was to start at 12pm.  He showed up at 10:30am, to help me get everything set up, and if that wasn’t sweet enough, he brought flowers.  I introduced him to my father as a coworker, which I thought was ok.

 The day went pretty much as I thought it would… I didn’t get to spend a lot of  one on one time with him…trying to balance him and my family…so this was definitely not the ideal first date.  I did however get to see him in action and see how and if he would fit in with my extended family.  He did not disappoint.

 He chatted with my dad as if they were old friends….flirted with my aunts and when I noticed that uncle Johnny was not at the grill, I asked him how he did it and he said…and I quote “I simply told him, I am more than just a coworker, and he is a guest in our home”.       

                                                          I love this man.

 The only problem of the night was Jeff, who was clearly seriously jealous.  But that’s another time, another post.

 The last guest left  “OUR” home at about 11:30… he stayed to help me clean up.

 He finally left at 2am…and I have to say I was very disappointed… he didn’t ask me out again, so I figured either my family scared him off….or he felt we were better off…just being friends…. Oh well it is what it is…

 Then at 2:37am called me…and we talked till 7am…and not once did we mention work or anything work related.  He also asked if we could have a “real date”  and Saturday and of course I said yes… 🙂

 So for the next 4 days… I will have butterflies in my stomach…and I have to see him tomorrow…  I hope I can contain myself…

 So…should I tell him of my huge crush on our date…or should I play it cool….

 We will see

 Good Night Gorgeous


My Hearts Tripple Bypass

2 07 2010

The Symptoms

 My heart aches every time you come around, but it also aches when you’re not there.

I pant heavily in your presence and at the thought of you.

It palpitates, I sweat, get wet, I have hot flashes.

I get giggly and giddy.

My legs get weak, my body shivers.

I forget what I was thinking or about to say.

I often stare blankly, daydreaming.

I can’t sleep and when I do I dream of you.


HEARTSLUVSITIS — in laymen’s terms, I am in love.

 The Cure

 To bypass — My past hurts and pain

To bypass —  My fears and worries

To bypass — complications, inhibitions and resistance

The Treatment

 To find a surgeon skilled enough to handle my heart with all of it’s delicate pieces.  A surgeon who can hold it tenderly  in is hands as he brings it back from the dead.  Gently kissing it with his instruments, holding it, squeezing, stroking, pumping comforting and assuring it, it will never break again.  Placing it back where it belongs and monitoring it for the rest of it’s life.

                                  To Open my heart and let you in.  Completely

 The Surgeon

 You.  DR. David.  I entrust you with this task.  I have made an appointment to schedule this procedure. 

                                                          Fix me.  Heal me.  Love me.

 So for those of you who may have difficulty reading in between the lines.  I sort of asked him out.  I say sort of because the conversation went like this.

 Me:  Sooo, what are you doing for the 4th

Him: The usual, hanging out at home alone…. You?

Me:  I have some family coming over for a BBQ

Him: Sounds like fun, I like spending time with family

Me: yeah me too, sometimes (nervous laugh as I am about to ask him the big question)

        (WAIT FOR IT, WAIT FOR IT…….)

Him: (Laugh) can I come?

Me:  🙂

 So, You got me open, now what, What’s next,

We will see

Good Afternoon Gorgeous,



1 07 2010

He's is nothing compared to you babe.

As I sit here in my office staring at you I ask myself when did I change.  I have never been attracted to tall men before.  But as I wipe the drool from my mouth, I can’t help but to imagine my fingers following, touching every inch of your 6’2 astonishing frame…

  My mind wonders what you must think of me in that brain of yours that is so intelligent, I am captivated by your every word and yet it is discerning enough to separate my needs from my wants and provide me with my desires.

 My fingers playing in your head, other head people :), as your bronze hair is cascading across your brow at the perfect length to tickle my belly as you kiss me there.

Your face so clear, precise, perfectly formed and chiseled that I can only imagine the awe on the faces of the angels as YOU were created in his image.

 Your ears are the perfect handle bar to pull you closer, so tasty, yet flexible enough to not just listen to, but hear my whispers.

 Your eyes that although seem to change colors, always reflect the deepest love in your soul.  And in them I see our future.

 Your lips so impeccably sculpted, screaming kiss me, they speak to my every desire and draw me in with every breath.

 As I lean into you, your scent has my hormones doing somersaults.

 Your shoulders so broad and wide they can hold my whole world, yet comforting enough for me to lay my head.

 Arms so muscular they are strong enough to hold all my dreams and gentle enough to embrace all of me.

 Hands that hold on to mine, firmly gripping my passion and gently glide to the warmest parts of my being.

 A pulsating chest that every rise and fall sends waves of emotions through every part of me.   A heart that bleeds love, kindness, life and every beat is music to my ears.

 Abs that ripple so perfectly like a maze leading down to that not so hidden manly bulge the makes me … 🙂 bananas.

 A back so powerfully built, and prominently braced to withstand the pressures of life.  As I follow its river flowing from the valleys to the marvelous hills below.

 Legs that are long and lean running away from no one and only towards me.  They stand firm in their beliefs, buckle in my presence and bow in divine reverence.

Feet that are firmly planted and unmovable, in those size 13 shoes that I will follow anywhere and everywhere.

David, dare I speak your name.  David, I want to scream your name.   David, I want to take your name.

David         DAVid       DAVID…

If Michael Angelo laid eyes on you, he would take a hammer to his David, because he pales in comparison to mine.

 So I have decided to tell him, question is How.  How would you?

We will see

Good Day Gorgeous David,


I Blogged In Your Zone, Do You Validate?

30 06 2010

Blogging Zone


 Crush Crew Commentary 

 Did you know there were 3 steps to blogging? 

 Step 1 

To Write 

 The decision to create a blog is not and easy one.  Since most blogs are about everyday events in the life of the writer, the idea of putting your private thoughts out there and can be scary.  Bloggers take a chance on the “real people” in their lives finding out their inner most secrets.  The blog tells all and spares no one.  

 The true blogger is constantly thinking about that next post.  To the true blogger, posting is not just some nilly willy, combination of words and phrases you throw on a page.  But it is truly art.   An expression of yourself and  extension of the conversation you would have with the world if given a giant mic.  Yes there are days when you just put something together to let your followers know that you are still alive, but for the most part, it takes some serious thought.  

 To write is to breathe.  To release, to distress, to blog.  Blogging has become a great necessity. A part of your everyday life.  A must on your to do list. 

 Part 2 

To read 

As bloggers we are connected to a special community.  A community of like-minded people who have decided to put their world on display.  And although there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there that makes us unique.  We are bold, daring, inspirational, blunt, brilliant and sometimes foolish.  So we want to see who else is out there. 

 We read the blogs of others to get inspiration for our own.  To get encouragement that writing about one’s life is not a self-centered, egotistical thing to do but a much-needed dose of medicine that society desperately needs.  Proven by the fact that there actually other people doing the same thing.  We read to bring excitement to our own somewhat mundane lives.  We read so that we can say, Hey someone else is worse off or in the same boat as I am.  We read because if its something we should have thought of , are surprised by, or are passionate about, we get to put our 2 cents in, without writing a whole blog about it.   And we read for validation.  For ourselves and to each other. 

 Part 3 

To validate 

 Lets face the truth here.  We all want validation for anything we do in life.  Blogging is no different.  Well there is one difference, we crave it.  Desperately.  We check our stats, constantly, and smile big when we see them go up.  We get all giddy when our inbox says “comment reply”.  And if we get a “please moderate” we leap for joy, because this means a new reader. 

 As bloggers, we love to write, but nothing brings us greater joy than to be READ.  It means our voice is being heard. 

 How do we validate each other, by leaving comments.  Comments is a way of saying I hear you, I don’t have to agree with you, but I hear you. 

 Have you ever had a conversation with someone, only to have them not respond to you or give you a blank stare…. You just know they are not listening and you feel like you are wasting time trying to talk to them.  There is no conversation it is a lecture, only no one is listening. 

 Leaving a comment on someone’s blog is one of the most important things you can do for a blogger.  (outside of making the fressly pressed page of course 🙂 )Comments is a way of saying I hear you, I don’t have to agree with you, but I hear you. 

 Comments allow us to have a conversation with our readers, even if just for a moment.  

 Think about this, when you call someone and get their voice mail, you leave a message.  Why because you want them to know you called.  Or when you go to the doctor, don’t you tell them you are there.  Even better, would you go to someone’s home, use their bathroom, eat their food, watch a movie with them and leave without even saying “HELLO”… no because that would be rude.  You don’t go to a restaurant and eat and leave without paying the bill, but more importantly leaving a tip, because the tip is a validation of good food and service.  

 As a blogger, I am happy to see my stats reach into the thousands….but I am even more happy when I know who those readers are and what they thought of what I wrote. 

The Golden Rule…. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you… 

 So the next time you read someone’s blog, whether it’s about the world cup, body image, Obama, BP oil spill or their beautiful little girl,  take a moment to validate them.  Take a moment to leave a comment, to let them know you were there.  Isn’t that what you want for your blog. 

 And while I enjoy all the personal emails, after all that is why I make sure my email address is in every post 🙂 leave me a comment in the comment box, not email…or at least leave the comment first, then email me.  Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate all the great friends I have made and speak to via email…but you guys email me such great comments, I’d like to share them with all my readers. 

 And remember the ultimate validation is reposting someone’s great post on you blog.  So feel free to repost this one 🙂 

 Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog…and giving me the validation I needed to continue blogging….and I thank you in advance for the comments you will leave. 

 Crushing on you, 


Things You Shouldn’t Do….

28 06 2010

You shouldn’t open your eyes in the morning and not see me.

You shouldn’t get out of bed before we make love

You shouldn’t leave without kissing me goodbye

You shouldn’t have to go all day without talking to me

You shouldn’t look at your desk and not see a picture of us

You shouldn’t come home from work and think about work

You shouldn’t have to worry if I care about how your day went

You shouldn’t have to watch that movie alone

You shouldn’t have dinner alone

You shouldn’t have to wonder if its ok to call me

You shouldn’t have to hang up when were done talking, I should be there

You shouldn’t question if I am falling for you too

You shouldn’t have to wonder why you make me smile

You shouldn’t go to bed without me

You shouldn’t reach out your hand and not find mine

You shouldn’t have to go to sleep without making love to me

You shouldn’t close your eyes and I not be the last thing you see

You shouldn’t dream and it not be of us

You shouldn’t  be without me right now

You shouldn’t want me and I not be there

You shouldn’t doubt how much I love you

So should I tell him, Would you?

We will see,

Good Day Gorgeous,


I Have Never Fallen Into A Toilet, Have You?

24 06 2010



Honey, Did you fall in the toilet? Again?


Crush Crew Club Commentary 

 Ok ….now I know there are issues with men and their somewhat childlike behaviors… but ladies come on some things are just too much and I have to agree you are being a nag…. 

 I just had a 2 hour conversation with a girl friend about the things her husband does not do….he does not pick up his underwear off the bathroom floor, he leaves his socks and clothes on the bedroom floor, he makes a mess in the kitchen, when he shaves he leaves hair all over, he eats on the couch and leaves food stains everywhere, he is constantly burping and farting and he always leaves the toilet seat up…. Ok this is where I jumped in…. 

 All my life I have heard women complain  that this is their biggest complaint about men….and I don’t want to do an injustice to my gender but…what is the big deal….so what he left the toilet seat up, just put it down…I don’t understand why you would be afraid of falling in a toilet…do you fear you will flush yourself down the drain and end up swimming in the Atlantic…. Trust me you won’t fit… and if you really think about it…men could complain we leave the seat down… 

 I grew up with 2 brothers, I now have 3 sons and have dated quite a bit…and the solution to this problem is simple…. 

Look before you sit. 

 I have to say I would rather a guy leave the toilet seat up…at least then I know he knows how to use it, and that his stream is going where its supposed to….I don’t like guys (my sons excluded) who do not put the seat up….leaving a trail of juices on the seat…and I sit in it…. Now that is nasty. 

To be honest, I have gone in the bathroom after guys, seen the seat down…and my first thought was not…awww isn’t he courteous, but it was, dude pees with the seat down…. 

 As for leaving socks, underwear, other clothing around and having to clean up behind him….well we have to blame mom for that one….and speaking as a mother…although I do try to teach my sons better…lets face it women are nurturing and we will pick up after our boys…even while yelling at them to put their stuff away…we are picking their stuff up and putting them away… so men get it in their heads that, that is what women do…. 

 And when you think about it…it is true… its what we do… that’s why we complain about what he doesn’t do, because we are so used to doing it for him…but seriously ladies think about it…we love having that man there to do those things for…and think about what he does for you… 

 When you can’t reach that cup at the top of the cabinet, lift that heavy box, or when you are moving the couch for the 5th time….When you want the house painted, need a jar opened or something fixed….when you are tired of cooking and he takes you out…what about when you are sad or had a bad day and you just lay in his arms for comfort…. Think about how he makes you feel when he kisses you and you make love….Those beautiful children you have together  and all the great memories…. So what he is a mess….he is your mess and you love him.

 Now guys…as for the farting and Burping…lets get that under control…its ok to do that when your around your buddies…but we ladies do not think that is cute…its gross… 

So ladies, the next time you walk towards your bathroom in fear, think about the time you stood on the table screaming for him to kill a spider…and who got the job done for you…. Then suck it up, smile, stretch forth your hand, take one for the team, and put that seat down…. 

 Still thinking about you gorgeous, 


Spending The Day With You Is Like…..

23 06 2010

A kid with a lollypop………..Happy                                                       

Lays potato chips……………………….Can’t have just one 

Cocoa cola ……………………………..Smile, it’s the real thing 

A French toast vanilla bean cheese cake………..Extra special 

A cold drink on a hot day……..Refreshing 

Watching a good movie…………Entertaining 

Watching the sunrise…………………….. Anticipating the day 

Watching a football game……………….Exciting 

Frosted Flakes …………………………..THeeeeeeere Great 

Winning the lottery……………… One in a million 

Listening to your favorite song………………….. Puts you in the mood 

Fishnet stockings………………………Such a turn on 

A great temptation…………………….I want you so bad, I could cry 

The first time………………………… Painfully Good 

Having a baby………………………….Unforgettable 

A kiss from your child………………….Filled with love 

The perfect date ……………………….. Wish it would never end

A gift from God……………………….. A true Blessing 

I can’t wait to go to bed at night….thinking about spending the next day with you…

So should I tell him, Would you?

We will see,

Good morning Gorgeous


Single Mommy Seeking Mate…Must love kids

17 06 2010

Mommy I like your Boyfriend, can we keep him.

Ok this may sound funny coming from me…but trust me I do have some good dating advice…. I have been dating for a while and have learned some pretty good tricks when it comes to dating and the single mom….

 When you have a 12-year-old son who is determined to be the only man in your life and ruin every relationship you have… you have to be tricky…

 First let me say as a mom…and this is my personal opinion….maintaining the respect of your children, especially the boys is very important…. Remember boys treat their girlfriends and wives as they treat their moms…most of the time anyway…you don’t want your children to see you marching an army of men into your home introducing them to your family as daddies and uncles….and if your children are young…they may look back at it one day and think…wow…my mom had a lot of boyfriends…and I don’t mean that in a nice way…this also means that if you are planning on being “intimate”… your children should not know this…I will teach you tricky ways to do this in a later post….

 And for all you women who claim there are not enough good men in the world…raise the sons you would want to marry….for future generations sake…raise good men…

 Anyway back to the subject….so in dealing with my 12-year-old I have learned…. That when his guard is down…it is safe for me to date…

 First, and again this is for women who are looking for a serious relationship and potentially marriage, let the man know up front you have children.  No surprises means no surprises.  You cannot hide children, so he will find out.  Tell him up front…he ask your name tell him…he ask what you do for a living….”I am a single mom of 2 who works at a hospital”… this will let you know in your first few minutes of conversation where he wants to go with the relationship.  Watch his facial expressions, you cannot hide that and it will say it all.  If he is still there, follow-up with question to him like does he have kids, etc… this will let him know that your kids are the most important thing in your life.

 Ok so he is still interested in you.  You go out on that first date….don’t be afraid to talk about your kids to him.  Now if you read a lot of those men’s magazines they will tell you this is a no-no.  But look at it like this…one of your biggest interest is your kids…and of he is not interested in them…he is not interested in you… the reality is being with you is being with them…I am not saying the whole conversation should be about your kids….but by the end of that date he should at least know their ages…be tricky…. Use your feminine wiles..

Sample Bad Convo

 Him: So what do you like to do in your spare time

You: Play with my kids

Him: Oh,   sooo do you like sports

You: I don’t have time for sports just my kids

Him: so what do you like to do for fun

You: Play with my kids

 Sample Good convo

 Him: So what do you like to do in your spare time

You: Wow…my spare time is my me time, no kids…it could be a spa day…or a nice date, smile

Him: Oh,   So do you like sports

You: I am not really big on sports, but my 9 year old just started playing midget football, so I have been really getting into foot ball…just learning the game, how bout you…do you like foot ball

Him: Love it

You:  good… so when we have some questions about the game we can ask you

Him: absolutely, so what do you like to do for fun

You: I have to say, I am having fun now (smile),  but are you talking about kids fun or adult fun (wink)

Ok success you have a second date…you are still mentioning the kids but now you want to find out his views on kids… in a round about way…does he want kids…if he has kids what is his relationship like…Quick Note…if he is not taking care of his kids, do not have a relationship with them or complains his ex is only after money, 9 times out of 10…he is not going to be good with your kids…

 So you have a had a few couple of dates…and things are going well…by this time he should know your kids names, age, what they look like,  and favorite things…

 How will you know when he is ready to meet the kids…when he brings it up…if he is truly getting interested in you and wants to pursue the relationship to that next level…then he will let you know…its time to bring the kids in on the relationship.  After all he feels like he knows them…because they have already been a part of the relationship.  Ok so you have now tricked Eh Hum, prepared the man.

 Tricking the kids (practice restraints)

 As a mom you know the biggest key to anything you do is preparation.  You want to introduce the fact of mommy dating to them.  Invite a cousin or other male family member over to dinner or watch a movie…if you have a male friend (not Boyfriend, just friend) have him over…

  Now the real stuff…This is where you will have to practice restraints….you will have to not allow the kids to see you kissing, touching, being intimate, etc….it will ruin what I am about to tell you and it will not work…

 During the first meeting the kids MUST be distracted… the ideal situation… if you child is having a birthday party invite him over (providing your ex is not a trouble maker).  He will bring a gift, thus pleasing the kid…and the child will be more involved with what’s going on around him than the fact that you brought a date to his party.  No birthday coming up… invite the first meeting to be somewhere inconspicuous. A chucky cheese or McDonald’s play ground.  You and the kids go first and have him meet you there.  Introduce him as your friend…. Not daddy, they already have one and if it doesn’t work out no loss of a dad…and not as uncle…because if it does work out…well there are things that family should not do with each other…

First meeting went well, don’t move him in just yet….

 Future dates, invite him to your child’s game, dance recital or play, go bowling, roller skating to the park…again having him meet you there.. He should interact with the kids with you. The object is to get them to like him.  If the kids like him you are good to go… you are also seeing how he is with them…if it turns out he really hates kids…its easier for you to deal with the hurt of a break up, than for him to hurt your kids…

 Once your kids have established he is a good guy, invite him over to dinner…do something fun before dinner, and after, letting your kids know it would be a good thing to have him around.  Continue going out on dates with just him…then start with him and the kids….also just you and the kids…let them know they are still important in your life…

If the kids like him… you are in there…

 This I learned from my 12 year old…who really likes my crush, and is trying to get me to like him.  Yall didn’t think I was going to do all this writing and not mention him did you? 🙂

 Should I tell him,  would you?…

 We will see

 Good Afternoon Gorgeous,


I Don’t Want You To Want Me To Want You To Want Me…

11 06 2010

I don’t want to want to see you everyday

I don’t want  your smile to be contagious

I don’t want your eyes to show me life with you

I don’t want your words to excite me or mine to excite you

I don’t want to hear you laugh

I don’t want to know you better

I don’t want you to call me or to hang up

I don’t want to sit down and eat with you,  watch a movie, or listen to music together

I don’t want you to bring me flowers, candy or gifts

I don’t want to kiss you goodnight or good morning

I don’t want scream your name

I don’t want to know what it feels like to lay in your arms

I don’t want dream about you when I am asleep, and think of you when I am awake

I don’t want say goodbye

I don’t want cry for you or miss you

I don’t want to marry you

I don’t want share or build a life with you

I don’t want you to always be there

I don’t want to hear you say I Love You

I don’t want you to want me

I don’t want to want you

 I don’t want to do any of these things or love you,

 But I Do……..

  Should I tell him,  would you?…

 We will see

 Good Morning Gorgeous,


Am I too big to crush you…

3 06 2010

Can we walk off into the sunset together

This is just a quick post until my main post tonight…. He is here in my home and I am going crazy….trying to distract myself….so I thought I would talk to you guys about this…I can’t stop smiling….this is crazy….am I too big for this…and by big I mean old…HE** no…. I am loving it….being in love makes me feel young , agile and vibrant….don’t want this feeling to ever go away…but I would like to take it to the next level…till then

Good afternoon Gorgeous,


Crushing Complications – Part 1 – Mine

2 06 2010

Ok …what are the complications….lets start with mine….

 From the time I was young, I have always had a distrust of men….mind you…this is the first time I am truly speaking about this…. I do this because I think it is very important and relevant to my crush situation.

Any how,  at a very young age, I was molested on several occasions (typical) by a very trusted  family member and a family friend…..before you start crying for me…I was one of the lucky ones….these molestations were light compared to some…in that there was no penetration (not for lack of trying)….but there was a lot of shame involved on my part….I also witnessed my father be a adulterer for most of my life…  Screwing with the minds of so many women…. It made me think they were weak…and I did not want that to be me. I then watched my brothers grow up and be the same way… I was determined not to be that woman that I saw them leave crying on the doorstep or begging and pleading with them not to go…  So …while most little girls dreamed of their fantastically outrageous wedding…. I made up in my mind I did not want to have any thing to do with men…I did not want any relationships, no falling in love no crushes or anything romantic…..I did however want to experience sex at least once and I did want children, I had planned to adopt 12.  At the age of 13 I did develop a crush….on Michael Jackson…but who didn’t….he was the only man that I was willing break my vow for.

This plan worked for me up until I was about 30.  By this time I had 1 biological child, so the sex thing was covered, more than once or twice….and I had already adopted 2 babies…so I was a single mother of 3.  I had dated several guys….never allowing myself to get attached or emotionally involved.  I had even had 2 marriage proposals…..both I turned down… I was not in love and did not want to be….until I met Raphael (not his real name …just sounds so cool)….he changed my heart and my world…and then he crushed it…. He was not the one for me….he was married and although he did leave his wife for me….I turned into that weak woman I did not want to be….so I had to walk away… was hurt and again determined not to go down that road again.

Ten years later, (oh no….now you know my age)…here I am…and this time I don’t even know how I got here….with Raphy…I saw it coming…we talked, dated kissed fell in love….with gorgeous it was just one day he was here and the next …those eyes, that look, I was in love….it was like one of those clichéd movies you see on TV…and not my life….but  as I write this and sit back and read it….Oh My God…it is my life…I am the big screen hopeless romantic with the crush on the guy net door…. We know what always happens in the movies….the girl always gets her man….will this be my reality…or will our issues hold us back from our one true love….I am sure I will talk more about my issues later….and tomorrow I will tell you his….so what do you think….should I tell….. We will see….

Goodnight Gorgeous.