A Gift Worth Re-gifting

12 12 2010

My Gift to you and you and you and you and oh you again

It’s that time of year again…where everyone thinks of their loved ones and what gifts they should buy them…

I am reminded of just a few weeks ago when my son hit himself in the head with the hammer…… he thought he was going to die….

 the first thing he did was seek God’s forgiveness…good move….

 but then as he laid on the bed waiting for the doctor….this little 12-year-old boy said something that astonished me…

 He said mommy before I left  the house… I kissed and hugged everyone and told them I loved them….even tay…

 Now tay is that sister he finds most irritating because she is most like him and he does not realize it….

 So of course as a mommy… after reassuring him he was going to be ok….I saw this as a teachable moment…

 I said to him….

 What I am going to say to you…In a “Short Version” of course….

 No matter what pain, hurts and heartaches you go though in life…. Love really does conquer all.

 If you have time to reflect on you life…in your last moments…it will not be a reflection of those who did you wrong, and how you hate asparagus.

But those things that are most important to you.

 It will not be about your house…or your car….that football contract you got…or how many partners you had…

You will not reflect on the bills, the toys, the food

But you will reflect on love…and those you shared that love with…. It will be the hugs and kisses, the smiles and laughs, the excitement and joys…..

 The births and birthday parties…the memories you laugh about

The fears you conquered

 Your proudest moments, your happiest times

 It will be the faces of those you love most…even if you didn’t know it….

 It would be filled with a desire…to do it all over again, not because of what was done wrong…but what was done right…

 At that moment….all pain, hurt, wrongs you have done…and wrongs done to you…have faded….and even if you wanted to…you could not reflect on them because they are over taken by the Love in your life

So to your parents, siblings family and friends, coworkers, enemies and even the stranger on the street…

Love is indeed the greatest gift we can give or receive…and is always worth re-gifting.

Don’t just tell someone you love them today…. Tell everyone….and who knows… in that moment..they may think of you….